Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well, students are just finishing up their third full week of classes, and I'm happy to say that things are rolling right along with ministry on campus this school year. There are 4 small groups meeting each week with students coming to study topics such as love and Jesus' examples of crossing cultural borders. There has been a lot of positive feedback from those involved in the different groups, and I know as the year moves on, the leaders will grow in their abilities to engage students in discussion and really dig in to scripture.

A few weeks ago, we had a table at the annual Organization Fair, a chance for students to check out the different orgs on campus. We had a table with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and had several students sign up for e-mail updates and take information about the small groups. There have been several new additions to the Facebook group (57 members and counting) we're just praying for more opportunities to connect with these new students.

Speaking of opportunities to connect, tonight we're having a BBQ (free food) and a worship gathering. It should be a good opportunity for getting to know new people, especially freshmen who are wanting to get involved with something on campus. Hopefully I'll have a few stories to share in the next week or two from tonight...also, we are in process of planning out the rest of the semester. As details come together, I'll pass along info to you all.

One other fun bit, this past Sunday evening Lisa and I hosted several students for dessert and games. Lots of laughter, plenty of conversation, and overall good times. We'll have them over several more times between now and the end of the semester.

Time to wrap things up, so here's some prayer requests:

For the students, please be praying that they will all be finding new ways to connect with friends, classmates, roommates, coworkers, and, most importantly, Christ. Also, being a few weeks in to the semester, they are starting to get in to routines for classes, work, and activities. Please be in prayer for those involved as they balance all the different requirements in their lives. Also, remember Zach, Evie, and Rachel who are studying in the UK.

Personally, I could use prayer for a deeper understanding of the many different aspects of campus...there's a lot to learn (building names, best places to hang out, how to navigate the different leadership structures on campus). Also, please pray for more connections with students. So far, so good, but there's still plenty more that I want to do in that area.

Thanks for reading, thanks for your prayers, and just thank you for being you.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

...and now it begins

As I write this, I'm looking out over Hamline's campus, watching people make their way to and from their first classes of the Fall semester. It's Wednesday, September 8, and Hamline University is now officially in session. This day has come with a great deal of excitement, lots of planning, conversations, prayer, processing, and a little bit of anxiety. There has been a barrage of communication between myself and the student leaders on campus trying to figure out the last details for what we're trying to do to let people know who we are and what we're about. For the most part, it's gone well, but there's still more work to do.

There was an event last night meant to welcome students back to campus. Different organizations were able to set up table and offer games in a carnival-esque atmosphere. Many students came by our table to take a chance at knocking down pop cans, some were simply attracted by the chance to get some candy, and others simply wanted to find out more about who we are. We passed out information about the Bible studies going on this semester and about different events that are happening.

Next week is the annual organization fair where different student groups have informational tables set up. We will be there trying to reach as many students as possible, again getting the info out about all we're doing to reach the campus through discipleship and relationships. There's also a BBQ coming up, a worship event that we're working on for the end of the month, and plenty of other things in the preliminary stages of planning. Sounds like a lot, but praise God for student leaders who are willing to jump in wherever they can. Without them, I would be a lot more anxious and nothing would be coming together.

While I'm typing about student leaders, I might as well pass along this bit of info: this semester, 3 students who have been very involved in IV at Hamline are studying in the United Kingdom. Two of them have already arrived while one is leaving this weekend. Their absence will definitely be noticed, but this will be a great experience for them. If you could please be in prayer for Evie, Zach, and Rachel, that God would challenge them in amazing ways in the coming months and that they would build some great relationships.

As far as prayers for ministry on campus, please be in prayer for the students as they get back in to the routine of classes. For those that feel the need to connect, pray that we might be able to point them towards God. For those looking for a Christian community, pray that they are able to sort through all the different things vying for their attention and find InterVarsity or another local Christian organization. For IV, pray for wisdom for the leadership in getting the last details figured out for these first few weeks and also for planning out the rest of the semester.

Praise God for those he has brought around me, from the students to supporters, providing logistics, prayer, finances, a voice of reason, an ear to listen, and baked goods. You are all awesome. I look forward to sharing more specific stories about what God is doing in the lives of students in the coming months.